Buttonator : crear botones fáciles en la web


I have seen many bloggers using another bloggers images for logos, buttons etc.In my opinion, it's a shameful activity.I have tried to stop these scoundrels from it , but they are not.I had made a post on where to find a fit and best logo for your blog.I hope that, that post has helped you to have your own logo other than a logo used from others.Still many are depending on others for logos.So I'm now making a post about how to create stylish buttons for your blog.
  Buttonator is an online tool for creating buttons and it is very easy to use.You only want to follow these simple steps to get a logo ; -

  1. Just select the style
  2. Type in the text
  3. select an icon
  4. customize it as you like.
  5. right click on the Button and select the 'Save Image As' button
  6. Upload the Button to your own server.Now you can use it

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